Your project at a glance

A crucial element of any engagement project is communicating what the process looks like, how long it will take and where the opportunities to engage are. Timeline helps you take your stakeholders with you through every step of the journey.

This tool allows you to communicate key milestones with your visitors and update the timeline as your project progresses. It can help contextualise the scale of an engagement, or help users visualise a complex process.


You can add as many stages as you want and choose whether to display all, display active and complete, or just display active stages. As your project progresses, you can change the status of various stages to reflect your progress.
  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Phase 1: How specific do you want to be?

    Share the scope of a specific phase or use milestones. You can include any specific dates of public meetings, or deadlines for providing feedback.

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Phase 2: Catalog Work within Timeline

    Use the Timeline tool to catch someone up to speed immediately:

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Phase 3: What's coming next?

    Does your project have elements that are currently unfunded, or subject to approval? You can make that clear by including potential future phases or milestones and noting the conditions or uncertainty of those.