Testing for Header or text besed formatting

above shows a header 1 with alternate color syle formatting. you have the option to your three different headers sizes, h1, h2, h3, h4.

In html, you'll want to copy paste the following into the block, this includes the heading tag...

<h1> "heading text" </h1>

<h2> "heading text" </h2>

<h3> "heading text" </h3>

<h4> "heading text" </h4>

To start changing colors, you'll need the style tag... style="color:#63E607;" which goes within the header tag... like so.

<h1 style="color:#63E607;" > </h1> transforms to:

Header Text

use hex codes or text colors, either works... <h1 style="color:#red;" > </h1> transforms to

Header Text