Testing Header

Version Testing

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Creating Headers

You can find all of your available tools by selecting the tool icon above. Enabling the tools menu will also engage page editing mode. Here you'll be able to modify existing blocks on the page, or adding new ones by dragging and dropping the tool from the menu to your page. Use the Header, Text Box, and HTML tools to create content like this block and above.

Use the Settings icon above to revise your page template. Right Side bar is by far our most popular template but be sure to take a look, there could be alternative that would work better for your project.

Editing pages both blocks and templates can be done at anytime.

Organize your content with Tabs

Use tabs to be more efficient with your page. Tabs groups all block below it and places them within their own container tab. Stop the tab from grouping other blocks by adding in another tab start block above the blocks or use the tab end to stop the grouping all together.

Another One!