This checklist supports Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) and Seattle Department of Construction and
Inspections (SDCI) review of solid waste storage and access for proposed design and construction as
required under Land Use Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) 23.54.040 and Solid Waste SMC 21.36.080.

checklist is required for projects that:

• Are multifamily, townhouse/rowhouse, Live-Work or mixed-use developments, with 5 or more
units; OR
• Are new commercial or industrial buildings with a gross floor area of 5,000 square feet or greater,
or existing commercial or industrial buildings adding 5,000 square feet or more; OR
• Seek a modification from any requirements per SMC 23.54.040 ; OR
• Include compactors; OR
• Do not have a curb cut; OR
• Plan to stage containers (carts or dumpsters) for collection in the public right-of-way – alleys, streets,
or planting strips.



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