
Youth listeners - helping the elderly to socialise when lonely

17 November 2020

A group of Sterling Rise youth have set about turning their spare time in to something good.

Sterling Rise High school pupils Bob Money and Natasha Spendthrift, both 16, have been visiting the local old peoples care home and helping the residents socialise outside the four walls, and now their friends want in on the action.

From helping with everyday task such as shopping and returning library books to playing chess and even learning all about social media.

Sometimes its just good to have a listening ear and hear some amazing life stories, as Natasha found out recently when supporting Glenda, 100 years old, to record stories about her time in the 1936 Olympic team that visited Nazi Germany. More to come on that incredible story in a future issue on memories of Sterling Rise.

Old and young men play chess out side

Local resident Henry Rand, 17, plays chess with Sterling Rise Care Home resident, Walter Ruble, 83 in the park.