
Urban Transit Program Announced

14 December 2020

Australia has the greatest concentration of the most liveable cities on the planet and the Sunshine Coast is recognised as one of them.The Sunshine Coast has long been known for its outstanding natural assets, landscapes and lifestyles.

Now it is also one of Queensland’s fastest growing regions and one of the ten most significant urban areas in Australia.This is an important stage in the Sunshine Coast’s evolution. Growth brings with it exciting opportunities for a stronger economy, more jobs and greater liveability.

It also creates some challenges around the protection of natural assets, character and lifestyle.In response, the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014outlines a strong plan for growth to guide development to 2031. This position is based on well-defined urban and rural residential areas with a progressive transition towards a more compact and efficient urban form.

Outside these areas, rural and natural areas are intended to be protected and enhanced.The State government has recently released the SEQ Regional Plan to manage growth in the region to 2041. To inform this review, Council has been working closely with the State to consider how projected growth can best be accommodated on the Sunshine Coast to 2041 and beyond.

Planning is also underway for a number of “game changer” projects which have the potential to transform future growth on the Sunshine Coast.

The Directions Paper will inform ongoing discussions and planning by setting out some important choices we face in accommodating growth, establishing clear directions for the desired settlement pattern for the Sunshine Coast, and identifying high level parameters to guide future planning for growth.