PRT works with communities through the Station Improvement Program (SIP) to make upgrades to existing and new stations on busways and light rail.

These investments usually start with a detailed Station Area Plan (SAP) and may include recommendations for potential Transit Oriented Development (TOD) on PRT property or in areas adjacent to transit stations. Station Area Plans involve significant public involvement to establish a community-supported vision for investments and conceptual design. After this point, Planning and Engineering staff partner to seek funding and take projects to 100% design and initiate construction.

Building on the East Busway logo

Building on the East Busway (BOTEB) is a unique opportunity to add new stations on the Martin Luther King Jr. East Busway, develop station area plans for these potential new stations, and redesign the existing Wilkinsburg Station and park and ride. This effort is part of the PRT’s larger Investing in the East Busway Initiative.


Original Station Evaluation (2015)

PRT Equity Index of Mobility Need (2018)

TOD Program Page

Place to store links to project pages once construction has been completed. Could use a map to do this too.