How important is the WMS for your business?

Our city’s waste water management system deals with 400 gigalitres of waste water a year but we need a new facility so we can increase this capacity to around 700 gigalitres. As our city continues to grow both the residential and business use of the system both changes and increases. In a short sentence please describe the biggest use you have for our WMS as a business in the city. Are you a Hairdresser that has 10 sinks constantly running, a cafe with waste fluids being washed away or a factory with multiple toilets and waste water from product production leaving the site we need to understand your waste water uses. We will use these general comments to understand the different uses you have for water and what waste water products are being produced so our facilities can cope with demand. (max 140 characters).

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11 October, 2020

St Kevin's Primary says:

Primary School - 20 kids toilets with sinks, 1 male and 1 female staff facility each with shower. Commercial kitchen, 4 sinks, 2 dishwashers

11 October, 2020

Mattress King says:

Mattress assembly Factory - 20 toilets and sinks, no use of water in production. Canteen style kitchen 3 sinks and commercial dishwasher

11 October, 2020

Shoreline BnB says:

My BnB has 8 rooms, all with ensuite - showers and toilets. It's really important for me that the business doesn't close.