We know that something as major as a completely new WMS for the city might sound quite daunting and you will have a lot of questions. We want to work with and hear from you about how we can make this transition seamless and ally fears you might have about how a new system might work, costs to our clients and even things like ‘will I be able to flush my toilet during the change over?’.

We will aim to answer all the questions you might have in 5 working days. By using the Q&A board below you can ask us questions about the WMS for the city and even identify a staff member or WMS expert you would like to respond to your question. Please keep questions in this section about the new WMS system, transition and how it might affect our customers.

Provide a short summary of your question.

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Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Bob Gutter

Wastewater Management Manager

Bob has 25 years experience of wastewater management. Starting as an apprentice pipe layer and now managing our WMS department.

Sally Cinnamon

Director Wastewater

Sally, like Bob has worked in the wastewater industry for a long time. Sally started as a bio-chemist first analysing water and now overseas the wastewater directorate which includes the WMS and chemistry labs.

Nigel Trench

Sewerage Facility Controller

Nigel has been working at the current facility for 14 years and is literally like a pig in muck. He likes to get his hands dirty fixing leaky pipes and installing upgrades.

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{{ answer.respondent.name }}
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