Welcome to the Consultation Manager Training Program!
This "BootCamp" is designed to help you increase your understanding of the platform through a series of practical exercises. Each prompt will guide you through the system's features to prepare you for demos and prospect questions using realistic case studies. You'll find a mix of tasks and reflection questions. Please use the resources on this page, the CM learning center, and support from your colleagues to complete each module. You'll need to submit each module yourself, but that doesn't mean you can't collaborate with your friends to answer questions together on a call! Please complete all tasks in CS Sandbox | Consultation Manager. This is your sandbox! Feel free to use this space to experiment and add records. Good luck, and don't hesitate to "ask an expert" if you get stuck! |
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Welcome to the finish line!
Have you submitted all four modules? If so, well done! We hope you now have a solid grasp of Consultation Manager and its various use cases.
For the next steps, please reach out to Melissa Hepburn.
We Value Your Feedback!
Was this training helpful to you? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve it or apply similar training to other tools like SPP or HubSpot?
Please take a moment to complete the short survey below (the last one, I promise!). Your feedback is greatly appreciated and helps us improve our training programs.